"Stardust" (2007)
I read the book and just watched the movie, "Stardust," written by Neil Gaiman.Both were quite enjoyable. I'm a little bit in love with Charlie Cox (Tristan) and Mark Strong (Septimus).
View Article3 books & . . .
Here are 3 books I recently read & liked. In 3 hours HP & the HBP will open in theaters here!I bought a pair of shoes for $30 at Macy's. Cute, non!?
View Articlesummer treat
You Are a PopsicleYou are colorful, creative, and expressive. You are often in your own little world, having the time of your life.People might be surprised to know that you're actually a bit of a...
View ArticleHappy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel's birthday was Friday. He turned 20.Here he is on the David Letterman show earlier this month. At the very end is the clip of him & Draco in the bathroom.
View ArticleThe Mythological Profile Test
Your result for The Mythological Profile Test: Â UnicornYou scored 30% Esotericism, 10% Power, and 4% Malevolence!The unicorn is a legendary animal. It is usually portrayed as a slender, white horse...
View Articleone blogquiz...
Your Fashion Style is ClassicYou like what's stood the test of time... Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy. You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while.You...
View Articlequickie quiz
Your Gift is ImaginationYou are constantly dreaming. You are always thinking about what could be. You love to express yourself in many ways. You have a way with words and tell vivid stories. You love...
View Articlemisc icons, b&w, fashion, shoes
Images from Veer or Corbis. If you take/use, please credit. Thank you.
View ArticleWhat do you need most?
Another meme from samtyr You Need SecurityTo be happy in life, you need to feel as secure and grounded as possible. You have to know that things will be okay no matter what. You plan for the worst. You...
View ArticleProject Runway
I love Project Runway. Jennifer (Eolin) wrote a great piece and posted it on her Letters from Jennifer (and some complaints) myspace.blogs.myspace.com/jennifereolinHer next post was a round-up of the...
View ArticleWhat kind of book are you?
You Are HumorYou love to laugh at life, and if possible, get others to laugh along with you. You believe there's always a humorous side to everything. And your sense of humor ranges from upbeat to very...
OMG - The Supernatural season premiere was amazing! Could Jensen GET any better looking!?!!!!!!!!!And loved loved loved Fangirl!Becky with her "Sam, you're so firm!" and writing fangirl fanfiction! I...
View ArticleThe key to my life.... did I do this before?
The Key to Your Life is LogicAnything good in your life comes from you having the strength to make good decisions. You know how to assess a situation before you leap into action. Anything bad in your...
View Articletrick or treat
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulfumitor goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Hermione Granger.120cassie gives you 2 dark green cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.big_heart_june tricks you! You get a...
View ArticleHarry Potter fics
There's an LJ Harry/Draco Career Fair challenge going on and some are quite good. I recommend "World on Fire," "Pomegranate" and "The List."http://community.livejournal.com/hd_career_fair/
View Articlegrammar blogquiz
For a Certain Friend. =wink= Love you! You Scored an A You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make...
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